Until recently, TASS lived in a city that is much older than Hong Kong – at least where buildings are concerned. This trained her to never look beyond storey three or four when walking around, as storeys five, six etc didn’t exist (except in a few, odd places). TASS still continually forgets to look up […]

How Mid Autumn-y will your festival be this year? Take our fun quiz and find out! 1. On the night before the festival, do you… a) Have dinner with your extended family in a traditional restaurant? b) Hang out on a beach with some lanterns and mooncakes? c) Visit Victoria Park to see its Lantern […]

It took TASS a couple of weeks to notice that there were three earth god shrines outside the ground floor apartment in her building. That people who did not seem to be from the same family lived there. That behind the front door, occasionally and only briefly opened, there were many partitions. *** *** *** […]

On 30 August, TASS happened to walk up the hill towards Caine Road – and she is very glad she did. A banner had been visible near the top of Aberdeen Street for some weeks, but as TASS cannot read Chinese (well, she can read about 10 characters, but obviously this may as well be […]

So… it’s the start of the new school term in Hong Kong. How can we tell? Because all the MTR billboards are advertising “super tutors”, often dressed in evening wear and presented like rock stars (many of the women even have a Madonna-esque single name). Modern Education, mentioned recently in the New York Times, has […]

TASS passes by a Chanel store – one of three in Hong Kong – on her way to work, and always wonders WHO SHOPS THERE. Not only because their clothes (and jewellery, accessories, sunglasses etc) are so expensive, but also because Chanel is currently displaying its “Pre Fall 2013” collection, which consists of exactly the […]

TASS has been worried for some time that she has become stupider as she has aged. She has a lot of education (probably too much), but this only makes it more embarrassing when she makes mistakes, fails to understand stuff, or uses ‘literally’ incorrectly. Perhaps she’s been watching too much America’s Next Top Model? (But […]

TASS was feeling wakeful recently and took her qute feet on a tour of Aberdeen Street and its environs at night. Things she did not see: Triads trashing a café Smugglers trafficking ivory Police clashing with protesters Teachers swearing at police Paul Chan crashing a car. This was all fairly disappointing, given that Aberdeen Street is […]

How yesterday went. 7.55pm: feel hungry. Look outside. A few spots of rain. 7.56pm: check Hong Kong Observatory’s app. Nothing. 7.57pm: head to Wellcome to pick up some not-at-all-expat-y food, such as filled pasta and cheese. 8.10pm: finish at Wellcome. Start to head down Aberdeen Street. 8:15pm: IT’S LIKE YOU’RE TAKING A SHOWER OUTSIDE. Take […]

TASS, unlike the rest of Hong Kong, gets up fairly early most Sundays. This has the unexpected benefit of giving her viewing access to the detritus of Saturday night in Central, which mostly involves: half-drunk bottles of Tsingtao fully-drunk bottles of whisky discarded plastic from those jelly shot things sold in 7-Eleven broken umbrellas (particularly […]

The Journalist "The Tank Man" - Standing up for what is right even if you stand alone.

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The news about Hong Kong written by Hongkongers

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Olivia Rosenman

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English-language life set in the New Territories, Hong Kong.


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living in Hong Kong

Style on Pottinger

A Hong Kong streetstyle journal featuring genuine people on historic streets

Healthy Hong Kong

A health and fitness blog in the city of smog

Dictionary of Politically Incorrect Hong Kong Cantonese

Politically Incorrect Views from Hong Kong

Through The Looking Glass

Beauty, food, Hong Kong and whatever else I can think of